Fashion design templates male
Fashion design templates male

fashion design templates male fashion design templates male

Luckily, there are plenty of places to find more inspiration. It takes time to create a solid design portfolio. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed or unsure about where to start - don’t worry. Make sure to use the hashtag #MadeInWebflow once you finish designing your portfolio - you could be featured in our next portfolio inspiration post! Have a look at this amazing example of a unique and consistent ecommerce store. He also uses Webflow Ecommerce to sell his beautiful prints. And with a designer like Perrick, whose work is so striking, it’s often best to let the work speak for itself.

fashion design templates male

The card-based layout and subtle interactions immediately engage us. Compared to some of the other sites on our list, Pierrick’s site uses a relatively minimalist approach. Pierrick Calvez is an artist and designer, and his portfolio site focuses purely on these disciplines.

Fashion design templates male