The river also serves as a place for watering herds of animals, such as sheep.Įlli lives with her parents at a time when Germans are threatening people of every ethnicity other than the Aryan race.

Her friend Bonnie and she sometimes go to the Danube to swim, as do many others in the area. Elli spends her days in the typical pursuits of young girls of her age. 347 All the gods presiding over the Pure Abodes, as many as there are in the world systems of the great trichiliocosm, also congregated there, in that same assembly, along with their gods-many thousands of millions and hundreds of billions in number.The story begins the town of Somorja in the summer of 1943 when Elli, twelve, longs for the exciting life led by her older brother, Bubi. 346 All the gods presiding over the Brahmā realms, as many as there are in the world systems of the great trichiliocosm, also congregated there, in that same assembly, along with their gods-many thousands of millions and hundreds of billions in number. All the gods of the Yāma realm, the gods of the Tuṣita realm, the gods of the Nirmāṇarata realm, and the gods of the Paranirmitavaśavartin realm, as many as there are in the world systems of the great trichiliocosm also congregated there, in that same assembly. Śakra, mighty lord of the gods and as many gods as there are in the world systems of the great trichiliocosm all congregated there, in that same assembly, along with their gods-many thousands of millions and hundreds of billions in number. Then as many gods of the Caturmahārājakāyika realm as there are in this world system of the great trichiliocosm all congregated there, in that same assembly, along with their gods-many thousands of millions and hundreds of billions in number.

Blessed Lord, bodhisattva great beings who wish to comprehend feelings, perceptions, formative predispositions, and consciousness should train in the perfection of wisdom. Then the venerable Subhūti said to the Blessed One, “ Blessed Lord, bodhisattva great beings who wish to comprehend physical forms should train in the perfection of wisdom. Chapter 27: The Purity of All the DharmasĬhapter 62: Teaching the Manifestation of the Major and Minor Marks and the Perfection of WisdomĬhapter 71: The Teaching on the Unchanging True NatureĬhapter 72: The Divisions of a Bodhisattva’s TrainingĬhapter 73: The Bodhisattva Sadāprarudita’s Attainment of the Manifold Gateways of Meditative Stability