This window is basically identical to the Windows Credential Manager."I've been looking everywhere for my saved passwords on my windows 10 PC, actually I also need to find them on my android pane, but my main PC with Windows 10 is more important. Then enter "rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr" into the Command Prompt and hit Enter to open a window.

Use the Win + X button combination and select Command Prompt from the menu to open it. How to open the Windows Credential Manager with the Command Prompt

You will have to enter your user account password first, however. You can also view your own website passwords by pressing the Show option.You can delete website credentials by choosing one from the list and clicking Remove, then press Yes to confirm, but you cannot add any new details.The former includes website account login data, but this only applies to websites opened in Edge and Internet Explorer.

It includes Web Credentials and Windows Credentials.Select Manage Windows Credentials to open a new window.Use the Win key + S hotkey combination and enter "Windows Credential Manager" into the search field.How to use Windows Credential Manager Files Passwords of mail accounts saved by Microsoft Outlook.Login passwords of remote computers on LAN.Passwords of MSN Messenger/Windows Messenger accounts.